Employee Advocacy success: 4 things that will stop it dead in its tracks
To make your Employee Advocacy a success, you need to follow a process… and you need to be aware of what can stop it dead in its tracks.
- Ego
- Bias
- Doubts
- Fears
Introduce new ways of working such as employee advocacy and you are almost certain to meet push back along the way.
For Employee Advocacy success, you will need to overcome people’s egos, bias, doubts and fears to make progress.
You need to be clear on the WHYs…
- Why is your organisation doing it?
- Why will your employees do it?
Here’s 10 actions you can take to explore your organisation WHYs:
- Follow employee advocacy experts on Linkedin
- Follow hashtags #employeeadvocacy
- Research online for statistics
- Find case studies
- Look for reports on marketing trends
- Gather senior leadership views
- Revisit your brand purpose & values
- Hold a team vision workshop
- Talk to existing employees using social
- Survey wider employee views